The Life of Christ (Vita Jesu Christi): 2 Volume Set

Purchase as a set and save! This translation of the Life of Christ has been culled from two diff..

The Life of Christ (Vita Jesu Christi): Vol. 2, Reader's Edition

This translation of the Life of Christ has been culled from two different sources and edited into 91..

Dimestore Saints: Sonnets from the Gosepl of St. Matthew

My adult daughter, who still hasn’t gotten confirmed, recently delivered some incisive car commentar..

Salazar Says...


Originally published in 1939, the following pages which can almost be considered a collection of aph..

Christian Paideia (Vol. 1: A History of Christian Education to 500 AD)


Christian Paideia Vol 1: A History of Christian Education to 500 AD (From Athens to the Church..

Mediaeval Mystical Tradition and Saint John of the Cross


Originally published in 1954.  This learned book traces the course of mystical theology whic..

Jerome Savonarola: A Sketch


Published in cooperation with the Savonarola Society and Studio Fratesco. The figure of Girolamo ..



We are made to be happy, to experience eternal beatitude, the face-to-face vision of God. And we att..

Economics: An Alternative Introduction (XIII Books)


Publication Date: Nov. 4 Published by XIII Books (An Imprint of Arouca Press) Most people who..

Denis the Carthusian's Commentary on the Psalms (Vol. 5—Psalms 101–125): Domine Exaudi


Domine Exaudi is the fifth of six volumes of the Commentary on the Davidic Psalms by Denis the Carth..

The Reign of Christ (XIII Books)


NOW AVAILABLE TO CUSTOMERS (note the international shipping cost) XIII Books, Arouca Press’s new ..

The Life of Christ (Vita Jesu Christi): Vol. 1, Reader's Edition

This translation of the Life of Christ has been culled from two different sources and edited into 91..

Theology for the Layman (Vol. 1: God, the Angels, and Creation)


Each chapter in this volume was originally published as an individual pamphlet by the National Headq..

Key to the Missal: Finding Your Way in the Traditional Mass


Few books do so much in so little as this one. In sixteen short chapters the authors manage not only..

Teilhard de Chardin: A Critical Study (Vol. 1: Faith in the Universal Christ)

Release Date: Early 2025 The following is from Chapter IV: The division of this study All t..

Showing 1 to 15 of 165 (11 Pages)
