Sacred Scripture

Denis the Carthusian's Commentary on the Psalms (Vol. 5—Psalms 101–125): Domine Exaudi


Domine Exaudi is the fifth of six volumes of the Commentary on the Davidic Psalms by Denis the Carth..

Letters from that City: A Guide to Holy Scripture for Students of Theology


9 copies available (primarily available for Canadian customers; will be shipped out from Ontario sep..

Denis the Carthusian's Commentary on the Psalms (Vol. 4—Psalms 76–100): Voce Mea


Voce Mea, the fourth volume of the first ever English translation of the Commentary on the Davidic P..

Jesus Christ: His Life, His Teaching & His Work (Vols. 1 & 2)


Purchase the set and get a discount! Volume 1 | $28.95 USD | 578 pages Volume 2 | $28.95 USD |..

Jesus Christ: His Life, His Teaching & His Work (Vol. 2)


Important encyclicals to read:  Providentissimus Deus (On the Study of Holy Scripture), Leo ..

Jesus Christ: His Life, His Teaching & His Work (Vol. 1)


Important encyclicals to read as a preliminary:  Providentissimus Deus (On the Study of Holy..

St. Mark's Gospel: A Commentary for Believers


Many so-called scholarly commentaries on the gospels fail to satisfy, or even disquiet, their reader..

Denis the Carthusian's Commentary on the Psalms (Vol. 2—Psalms 26–50): Dominus Illuminatio Mea


Dominus Illuminatio Mea is the second of six planned volumes translating Denis the Carthusian’s (140..

St. Luke's Gospel: A Commentary for Believers


St Luke's Gospel: A Commentary for Believers is a careful study of the third, and longest, of t..

Denis the Carthusian's Commentary on the Psalms (Vol. 3—Psalms 51–75): Quid Gloriaris in Militia


QUI GLORIARIS IN MALITIA, the third of six anticipated volumes translating Denis the Carthusian’s (1..

Denis the Carthusian's Commentary on the Psalms (Vol. 1—Psalms 1–25): Beatus Vir


Beatus Vir, the first of six planned volumes translating Denis the Carthusian’s (1402–1471)&nbs..

The Epistle of Christ: Short Sermons For the Sundays of the Year on Texts from the Epistles


Originally published in 1927, The Epistle of Christ was written by a convert from the Episcopal..

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)
