
Teilhard de Chardin: A Critical Study (Vol. 1: Faith in the Universal Christ)

Projected publication date: September 2024 The following is from Chapter IV: The division of t..

Sedes Sapientiae: Special English-Language Issue, n. 2 (2024)


SEDES SAPIENTIÆ IS A QUARTERLY REVIEW published in French and dedicated to Christian formation. Foun..

Bound by Truth: Authority, Obedience, Tradition, and the Common Good


For Canadian customers only; ships from Ontario; please choose the appropriate shipping option ..

Super Hanc Petram: The Pope and the Church at a Dramatic Moment in History


7 paperback copies available (For Canadian customers; ships out separately from Ontario); slight dis..

Ultramontanism and Tradition: The Role of Papal Authority in the Catholic Faith


5 paperback copies available (For Canadian customers only; ships out separately from Ontario); ..

The Iron Sceptre of the Son of Man: Romanitas as a Note of the Church


5 copies available (primarily for Canadian customers; ships out separately from Ontario) US custo..

God's Abode with Man


5 copies available (primarily for Canadian customers; ships out separately from Ontario) US custo..

The Nature of the Mystical Body (Vol. 1)


This is an updated edition of the English translation published in 1963 based on Volume I of Le Corp..

The Teaching of the Catholic Church (Vols. 1 & 2 set)


The Teaching of the Catholic Church (Arouca Press Reprint) Edited by Canon George D. Smith, D.D.,..

Semper Virgo


We are victims of a contagious amorphism which dilutes the mysteries of faith into a current of humd..

On the Ordinary & Extraordinary Magisterium (2nd Edition)


This book, which is now in its second edition, expels the confusion surrounding the distinction betw..

The Science of Sacred Theology


Introduction by  Matthew K. Minerd, Ph.D. Newly typeset edition. Originally published a..

The Road from Hyperpapalism to Catholicism Set (Volumes 1 & 2)


[Purchase the set and save 15%.]  Abuses of authority and misleading magisteria have given n..

The Road from Hyperpapalism to Catholicism (Volume 2: Chronological Responses to an Unfolding Pontificate)


Although Pope Francis has brought controversy, confusion, and chaos to the Catholic Church, good fru..

The Road from Hyperpapalism to Catholicism (Volume 1: Theological Reflections on the Rock of the Church)


Abuses of authority and misleading magisteria have given new urgency to old questions about the natu..

Showing 1 to 15 of 24 (2 Pages)