Jerome Savonarola: A Sketch
Published in cooperation with the Savonarola Society and Studio Fratesco. The figure of Girolamo ..
For Their Sake I Consecrate Myself: Sister Maria Bernadette of the Cross (1927–1963)
Published in co-operation with The Cenacle Press (Silverstream Priory). Includes over 70..
Monarchy: A Study of Louis XIV
Kind permission granted by the The Trustee of the Estate of Hilaire Belloc for this new edition..
Antonio Cardinal Bacci: Essays in Appreciation of His Life, His Latinity, and His Books
Originally published as Il Cardinale Antonio Bacci by Pagnini Editore (Florence), 2005 Kind permiss..
Sister Rose: Her Life & Work and The Mass of Reparation
God uses the most unlikely people in mysterious ways. Madeleine Mirabal was born into a poor family ..
From the Depths of Hell I Saw Jesus on the Cross: A Priest in the Prisons of Communist Albania
The dissemination of Dom Simon Jubani’s testimony of faith, who was a priest in our Archdiocese duri..
Saint Benedict & His Times
This is a modern reprint of the original 1951 edition. Despite the importance of St. Benedi..
With Latin in the Service of the Popes: The Memoirs of Antonio Cardinal Bacci
Antonio Bacci was rector of the archdiocesan seminary of Florence when his exceptional knowledge of ..