The Sacred Liturgy

Key to the Missal: Finding Your Way in the Traditional Mass


Few books do so much in so little as this one. In sixteen short chapters the authors manage not only..

Sedes Sapientiae: Special English-Language Issue, n. 2 (2024)


SEDES SAPIENTIÆ IS A QUARTERLY REVIEW published in French and dedicated to Christian formation. Foun..

Lost in Translation: Meditating on the Orations of the Traditional Roman Rite

OUT OF STOCK For Canadian customers only; ships from Ontario; please choose the appropriate ..

Thomistic Mystagogy: St. Thomas Aquinas's Commentaries on the Mass

US customers, please purchase directly from the publisher: * *..

The Masses of Holy Week & Tenebrae

7 paperback copies available for Canadian customers only; ships out separately from Ontario US cu..

Roman Martyrology (Pocket Edition)


For Canadian customers only! Slight discount for Canadian customers (Limited quanties available) ..

Sacred Music and Liturgy After Vatican II: Significant Works of Monsignor Richard J. Schuler in Sacred Music


Publication Date: April 21, 2024 On a Mission to Preserve Our Worship of the Divine Sacred Mus..

Sacred and Great: A Brief Introduction to the Traditional Latin Mass


19 copies available (primarily for Canadian customers); additional books will be shipped out separat..

The Latin Mass and the Intellectuals: Petitions to Save the Ancient Mass from 1966 to 2007


Updated to include the 2024 Petitions. For those who purchased the book already, please download the..

The Liturgical Rosary: Meditations for Each Hour, Day & Season of the Liturgical Year (2nd Edition) - PRE-ORDER


Below (Sr. Marie Gabrielle is interviewed by Jesse Romero, interview begins at the 14:00 mark) ..

The Liturgy of the Church (New Reprint)


Originally published in 1937. This Arouca Press edition is a new reprint.  Foreword by Dom A..

The Sacred Liturgy as a Secret Garden


Also available at  Amazon UK  and other international retailers. The well-known ch..

With Christ Through the Year: The Liturgical Year in Word & Symbols


Originally published in English in 1947. This Arouca Press edition is a reprint featuring a new cove..

Franciscan Meditations : Sundays and Feast Days of the Liturgical Year (MP3s)


~ In collaboration with Romanitas Press; (7 sets available) for Canadian customers only! S..

Near Missed Masses (Ten Short Stories Based on Actual Events)


By the same author of  X-Ray of the Priest in a Field Hospital.  “Can priests miss..

Showing 1 to 15 of 24 (2 Pages)
