Medjugorje: The First Twenty-One Years
- by Michael Davies | Foreword by Peter Kwasniewski
- Product Code: mtftoy
- Availability: In Stock
- Publication date: 2023
- Size: 6 x 9
- Pages: 332
Foreword by Peter Kwasniewski, Ph.D. | A Reminiscence by Adrian Davies
This book—the definitive version of Michael Davies's study of the Medjugorje phenomenon, a revision of which he was preparing right up to his death in 2004—is a valuable contribution to the growing literature on the subject. Although it covers only the period from 1981 to 2002, Medjugorje: The First Twenty-One Years brings together and offers incisive observations on material that other treatments summarize rapidly or even omit altogether. It must be remembered that Michael's Croatian wife, Maria, was in a unique position to assist Michael with access to an abundance of information in her native language that would have been, and often still is, a closed book to researchers from other countries. In its provision of original sources and with its judicious observations, Medjugorje: The First Twenty-One Years adds richness to the existing literature concerning the purported apparitions. Davies sees the connection of Medjugorje with a variety of controversial issues in the Church today: the relationship of authority and obedience, the nature of the charismatic movement, the dangers of chasing after private revelations, the scandal of clerical immorality, and the lure of false ecumenism.
Michael Treharne Davies (1936–2004) was the most influential English-language Catholic traditionalist author of his generation, writing extensively on the effects of Vatican II and the liturgical reform. A descendant from a long line of Welsh Baptists, schoolteacher, and infantryman, Davies did not seek to be a controversialist but simply rose up in defense of the Catholic Faith he had learned and embraced. He served as president of the International Federation Una Voce from 1995 to 2003, during which time he avidly campaigned in Rome on behalf of the traditional Latin Mass and enjoyed a good working relationship with Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.