Inspirations & Lamentations: Literary Devotions of an Unusual Sort
- by Andrew McNabb
- Product Code: ial
- Availability: In Stock
Inspirations & Lamentations: Literary Devotions of an Unusual Sort is a unique devotional book, combining a depth of spirituality, commitment, and desire for Him with a fresh, realistic, faith-filled assessment of modern life. Rooted in the blessed mystery of the everyday, Inspirations & Lamentations is composed of one hundred one-page offerings, each begging further reflection.
A son’s drunkenness, a daughter’s disability, Train’s “Bruises,” Drake’s “God’s Plan”, an architecturally ill-conceived modern church, a wayward eye, an ethereal walk on an industrial roadway, distractions in prayer, and what is really meant by this present suffering are just a sampling of the varied opportunities to engage God’s loving presence in these literary—often playful—reflections, composed with an attention to language and a uniqueness of perspective.
Inspirations & Lamentations: Literary Devotions of an Unusual Sort is written from the author’s point of view as husband and father, but, most of all, as a modern-day seeker of Him, living amidst the challenges of our times.
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
126 pages
ISBN: 978-1-990685-72-9 (pbk) | $14.95 USD
ISBN: 978-1-990685-73-6 (hc) | $21.95 USD
Andrew McNabb’s Inspirations & Lamentations: Literary Devotions of an Unusual Sort is a devotional book of profound spirituality. These “inspirations,” to borrow Thomas Merton’s expression, serve as seeds of contemplation. McNabb’s focus, in lyrical prose, is the everyday, the ordinary, and the quotidian, where one is capable of discovering the holy, the mystical and the transcendent. He shows us, in ways often unusual, that the omnipresent Christ is closer to us than we are to ourselves. Inspirations & Lamentations will enable readers to cleanse the “doors of perception” so they, too, will see that, as William Blake reminds us, “Everything that lives is holy.” —Robert Waldron, Author, and Thomas Merton scholar

Andrew McNabb is an acclaimed writer of fiction, poetry, biography and memoir. His short stories have appeared far and wide, from The Missouri Review to the anthology Best Christian Short Stories (Thomas Nelson.) His most recent book, Walking with Father Vincent, (Gracewing), explores the life of his great granduncle, the renowned twentieth century Dominican, Father Vincent McNabb, OP. He lives in Maine.