Under the Gaze of God

Under the Gaze of God

  • by Blessed Edward Poppe

  • Product Code: utg
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $9.95

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Before being published as a small book, these "counsels of perfection" and spiritual notes by Blessed Edward Poppe (1890-1924), a Belgian priest whose cause for canonization is under way, had been transcribed a hundred times by hand by those who had tasted their flavor, vigor, and supernatural wisdom. Fresh and luminous, this little book has been a tremendous success in Dutch, French, Italian, and German; it now appears at last in English. Responding well to the needs of the faithful, it will become an inseperable vademcum for all those who wish to live "under the gaze of God."

Praise for the book: 

“What a gift this little book by Bl. Edward Poppe has been to me! I love it, and feel like I have found a father and brother in Christ in this good and holy priest.” — Fr. Cassian di Rocco

ISBN: 9781989905340 | $9.95 USD 

Size: 4 x 6

176 pages

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