For the Whole Christ: The Mystical Body on its March Through Time (Volume 2 of Dr. John Rao's Collected Works)
- by John C. Rao
- Product Code: ftwc2
- Availability: In Stock
The Word Incarnate,
“The Whole Christ,”
and the Drama of Truth
God's Creation and the men and women populating it cannot help but offer us a picture of unpredictable activity. For each and every new moment of its history is in many respects unique, and not some mere monotonous repetition of what has gone before it—especially given the reality of the free will possessed by each human person. This is even more true of the Mystical Body of Christ—what St. Augustine calls "the Whole Christ"—a Body marching through history with the incomparable regenerative and transforming power given it by supernatural revelation and grace, and yet all of the problems of a fallen mankind that that revelation and grace must be used to overcome until the end of time.
When looked at both as a whole, as well as in the actions of each and every one of its individual members, the history of this sole truly new and truly unique force in the life of the world since the first days of Creation inevitably provides its students with unpredictable developments. It provides those reading its tale with examples of a glorious, awe-inspiring growth in its self-knowledge and holy activity, but mixed—alas!—with all too many instances of the tragic self-deception, backsliding, and scandalous behavior that comes with the constant danger of individual human sinfulness.
May the tales of fall and recovery inspire those reading this volume to join in a holy crusade for a recovery and increased appreciation of the fullness of the Church's supernatural wisdom; for a renewed commitment to saintly work for transformation of all things in Christ in an era devastated more than ever before by diabolical disorientation.
Size: 6 x 9
278 pages
ISBN: 978-1-990685-99-6 | $22.95 USD | (pbk)
ISBN: 978-1-998492-00-8 | $32.95 USD | (hc)
Can the Catholic Church be reconciled with progress, liberalism, and modern civilization? An adequate response to such a question can only be given if we understand what modern civilization is, what the Church is, and what the results of various approaches of the later to the former have been. John Rao's wide ranging and profound writings are indispensable for coming to such an understanding. —Pater Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist., lecturer in moral theology, Heiligenkreuz, Austria
Soon after I first met John Rao, a highly respected priest commented to me that Dr. Rao was a man completely emancipated from the assumptions of Modernism and Americanism. Over the past decade or so that I’ve come to know him, I have found this remark to be entirely true. As this excellent volume reveals, Dr. Rao possesses a profoundly Catholic mind, steeped in history—all the more important in an age of civilisational amnesia, when debates corrupt into competing abstractions, unanchored from the historical process by which God’s salvation of mankind unfolds. In this work, Dr. Rao takes us on a journey through the dramas and controversies of Christendom’s history, and by so doing he roots us in the history that is ours, for which reason we are profoundly indebted to him. —Sebastian Morello, author of The World as God’s Icon and Conservatism and Grace: The Conservative Case for Religion by Establishment
Professor Rao's learning, devotion to history, love of the Faith, eye for telling incident, and vivid writing are all on display in his multifaceted presentation of the struggles of the Church in the modern world. Readers will deepen their understanding of the current state of the Church, how it came about, its deep background, and how it can be bettered. —James Kalb, lawyer, writer, and Catholic convert
Dr. John Rao is an extraordinary figure within the contemporary traditionalist movement. This is due to the fact that he is someone who cultivates history philosophically. It is what allows him to evade the all too frequent errors of leniency, conservatism, and Americanism. Moreover, he is not only a profound intellectual but also an enthusiastic and effective systematizer of ideas. —Miguel Ayuso, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Constitutional Law, Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid
Those who know him have long recognized that John Rao has an encyclopedic knowledge of European civilization and the history of Christendom, which he wears lightly. This new, welcome collection of essays, however, will finally introduce him to a new generation of readers. His intricate knowledge of episodes and events, people and places — which ranges from the Baroque spirit in Spain, to resistance to Garibaldi's revolutionary troops in Italy, to the challenges of the modern papacy — are sure to educate, enthrall, and inspire readers everywhere. —Alvino-Mario Fantini, editor-in-chief, The European Conservative, and director of the Centre Européen de Documentation et d'Information
John C. Rao obtained his doctorate in Modern European History from Oxford University in 1977. He worked in 1978–1979 as Eastern Director of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute in Bryn Mawr, PA, and was Associate Professor of European History at St. John’s University in New York City from 1979 to 2021. Dr. Rao is also director of the Roman Forum, a Catholic cultural organization founded by the late Professor Dietrich von Hildebrand in 1968. He writes for numerous French, German, Spanish and Italian journals. Perhaps the most important of his works are Americanism and the Collapse of the Church in the United States (Roman Forum Press, 1995), Black Legends and the Light of the World (Remnant Press, 2012), Removing the Blindfold (Angelus Press, 2014), a discussion of Catholics rediscovering their own heritage in the post-French revolutionary era, and A Centenary Meditation on a Quest for “Purification” Gone Mad (Arouca Press, 2019). He has also written a companion volume to his collected works, The Unrepentant Catholic's Cautionary Calendar (Arouca Press, 2022).